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You have the option to refer yourself to Wellbeing Exeter if you are an adult aged 18+ living in Exeter or you can ask someone who works in the voluntary sector, social care, higher education or a health professional to contact us on your behalf. Please see details on this page. 

If you live in Cranbrook, you can refer to us if you are a young person aged 11-17, an adult aged 18+ or a family. You can find details about how to refer to Wellbeing Cranbrook here


At Wellbeing Exeter our Community Connectors can work with you on a one-to-one basis, to explore the opportunities on offer in Exeter. You can work with Wellbeing Exeter if you are:

  • Aged 18+

  • Live in Exeter

  • Not already registered with Wellbeing Exeter

  • Ready to engage with a Community Connector

If you can say yes to all of these, then please fill out the referral form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can:

Wellbeing Exeter & Cranbrook Self Referral Form

Do you feel you are a risk to yourself or someone else right now? If yes, please click this button to be linked to resources that can help: 


If you work in the voluntary sector, social care, higher education or are a health professional then you can refer an individual to us. ​Before submitting the referral form on behalf of an individual, we ask that:


  • You understand the ways in which Wellbeing Exeter supports people to connect with the community and what matters most to them as individuals.

  • You’ve explained the reasons for the referral – please include a summary of the individual’s circumstances including any significant points that can assist us when holding our initial conversations with them (e.g. their health, mobility, relationships, interests).

  • You’ve told us about other services that are supporting the individual, or services you’ve recently referred them to.

  • Wellbeing Exeter has permission to contact the individual via at least two of the following methods - phone, voicemail, text, WhatsApp, email or letter. 

What Wellbeing Exeter can provide:


  • Introduce people in person to new groups, activities or services

  • An opportunity to explore what matters most to a person

  • Research into appropriate social and physical opportunities in the community

  • Opportunities to meet like-minded people to share interests with

  • Signposting to other services where specialist support or advice may be needed

  • Emotional support

  • Connect to the local community

What Wellbeing Exeter doesn't provide:


  • Enabling

  • Therapeutic support

  • Practical support around the home

  • Personal care

For adults aged 18+ in the Exeter area, please fill out the referral form below and we will get back to the individual as soon as we can:

Wellbeing Exeter & Cranbrook Professionals Referral Form

If your referral is for someone living in Cranbrook, then we can take referrals for young people aged 11-17, adults aged 18+ and families. You can find details about how to refer to Wellbeing Cranbrook here


  • When we have received your referral, we will be in touch within a couple of weeks for an initial chat to go through your referral.

  • We will agree your suitability and how we might work together.

  • A Community Connector will then be in touch, if this is agreed on the initial call.

  • If we feel working with us is not right for you, we will signpost you to more relevant services that meet your needs. 

Disclaimer: We reserve the right to limit, suspend or refuse services to anyone based on our professional opinion, and at our discretion at any time, and without giving details or reasons. 

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