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Guided Tour of RAMM

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

Wellbeing Exeter arranged a guided tour of the Royal Albert Memorial Museum (RAMM) to allow a small group of residents to explore what this local resource has to offer. Two Community Connectors also attended the event.

RAMM’s Engagement Officer, Ruth, introduced the group to ‘RAMMBingo’. Everyone was offered a different sheet that featured objects to spot as they moved around the building. Designed to be a conversation starter, they helped to break the ice and members of the group started to share a little of their backgrounds and interests with each other.

The tour included RAMM’s recently opened exhibition, ‘A Picture of Health – Exeter’s Medical History’. The artefacts offer an insight into health and wellbeing in the city from the 18th century onwards – and included a Covid-19 lateral flow test and face covering! This allowed time to reflect on how significant the pandemic has been for both individuals and the wider world. Other exhibits prompted the group to reflect on the progress made in the world of science, from the terminology used to the pioneering role of women in the first World War.

Some members of the group chose to visit the Egyptian tomb of Shep-en-Mut while others visited the ‘In Fine Feather’ gallery, featuring more than 140 preserved birds. The tranquillity of the seascape music and beautiful colours in the room were noticed by the group. Subsequent conversations reflected on how the natural world can be a benefit to our wellbeing. The ‘Fly on the Wall’ gallery featuring insects of all sizes gave rise to anecdotes and experiences with the creatures – there was lots of squirming!

The tour finished with a visit to RAMM’s café where hot drinks and cake were enjoyed. Conversations flourished and it was agreed the Museum offered something for everyone. With free entry and accessible opening hours, it is a resource that the group are likely to continue to visit, as individuals or with others. Thank you to the RAMM for hosting us. #RAMM


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Wat Tyler House

3 King William Street, Exeter


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